Infinite Banking & Private Family Financing

Lifestyle Banking is an online course for people who want to experience the freedom found only through establishing your own banking system.

We have shown thousands of people just like you how to regain control of your household economy by creating a private financing system that you control.

Infinite Banking
Foundations Course

Discover the philosophy and principles behind Infinite Banking and see real-life examples of how it works.

Lifestyle Banking
Master's Course

Learn the most innovative strategies to take Infinite Banking to the next level and create wealth that will last for generations.

Enroll Free

Start with our free Lifestyle Banking Beginner’s Course absolutely free. Ask questions throughout the course, also free.

Learn More

Once you decided that Lifestylebanking might be a fit for you, book a consultation and we’ll discuss how to move forward.

Master's Course

As a client, you’ll be able to purchase and access our Lifestyle Banking Master’s Course. It’s full of advanced tutorials and demonstrations.

Study at Your Own Pace

Start the Foundation's Course today. Free.

The only time you’ve ever lost money was when you gave control of your money to someone else.

While most financial planners will do everything
they can to get you to give them your hard
earned money, we do just the opposite.

We don’t want your money. We want to
teach you how to control your money.

Intro Course is FREE

We know you'll love what you learn free and will want to learn even more with our Master's Course.

Learn Online at Your Own Pace

This is a self paced course. Move as fast or as slow as you'd like through each video lesson.

We Encourage Questions

Each course lesson has an area where you can submit any questions you have about the topic.

Free Consulation For Advanced Courses

When you're ready to take Infinite Banking to the next level, we'd love to to talk to you. Use this form to reach out to us and schedule a consultation.