Course Description
Discover the philosophy and principles behind Infinite Banking and see real-life examples of how it works.
Key Concepts Covered Include:
- In the Foundations Course, you will discover the philosophy and principles behind Infinite Banking and see real-life examples of how it works.
Course Content

Lifestyle Banking is all about learning how to utilize Permanent Life Insurance in the most efficient ways possible. This course consists of 10 lessons that are designed to give you everything you need to know about the potential of this process, as well as presenting ideas for implementation.

Most people have a desire to pay cash for as many things as possible, but then never stop to take a look at the financial impact of paying cash. When you pay cash, you lose all the interest you could have earned on that money! What if there was a better way to purchase things that actually made you a profit? In this lesson, you will learn how powerful it is to always have your money working for you.

Banks make incredible profits by controlling the banking function in our lives. Whether you borrow from them or deposit money with them, they are using YOUR money to build wealth for THE BANK. Your goal should be to become your own banker, and to accomplish this, you need to develop a system where you can recapture the interest you are paying the banks and also the profits they are making on all your deposits.

Of all the tools and products available in the financial world, why is Participating Whole Life Insurance the most efficient tool to use to become your own banker? Learn once and for all why Whole Life is the perfect match to establish your “banking” system!

This lesson describes how policies can be designed on a spectrum, either maximizing the Cash Value or maximizing the Death Benefit. When opening a Participating Whole Life Insurance policy with the goal of becoming your own banker, the focus should not be on the death benefit of the policy, but on how to get the most cash value into the policy that we can use today.

This lesson dives into exactly how a policy would be designed to maximize the cash value and answers common questions about policy design and premium contributions.

Building a Policy to Finance Your Cars- If you were the banker, would it be possible to personally finance all of your cars and make a profit? Of course! And that’s exactly what is revealed in this lesson as we review a case study of using a policy to finance cars for the rest of your life, producing $250,000 in profit. It will be evident how much money banks are currently making from your deposits and loan repayments, and how you can transfer that lost wealth back into your own hands. Always keep in mind, if this process works for financing cars, do you think it will work financing other things in life like vacations, education, weddings, etc.?

Many people mistakenly see a Participating Whole Life Policy as an investment instead of a banking enterprise. They become focused on the “rate of return” of the policy compared to other investment alternatives. In reality, the policy is simply the best banking tool that should be used to FUND your investments. In this lesson, we show you how you can utilize your policies to fund other investments and improve the after-tax returns of every investment you make.

In this lesson Nate reviews a case study describing how a client created $1,000,000 of additional profit on his real estate investments by using his banking enterprise (policies) to fund the investments.

Conventional retirement planning is setting many Americans up for failure. The goal of most financial plans is to help you generate the largest nest egg, where the true goal should be to generate the highest amount of passive income to live on. In this lesson, you will learn why the policy is one of the best places to draw the highest amount of passive income during your golden years, and why the conventional retirement advice is built on faulty premises.

In this lesson Nate reviews a case study illustrating how a policy can be used to generate tax-free passive income that can remove the fear of running out of money in retirement.

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